
Showing posts from January, 2018

Welcome to ASEH

The UM Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop on Animal Studies and Environmental Humanities is a group of scholars working on, or with an interest in, critical environmental studies and animal studies across the humanities and arts disciplines. Our multidisciplinary participation enables us to regularly engage in discussions on the relationships between the human and the animal – and between humans and animals – and the ways in which power is constructed and disseminated in our environments. We consider scholarship that interacts with physical animals, textual representations of animals, and discourses of animality and what it means to be human. Our movement between the material, discursive, and rhetorical manifestations of the nonhuman is governed by the vast range of methods and disciplines of our participants, which keeps our meetings always in a space of interdisciplinary debate. Contact: Catherine Fairfield Katherine Hummel Winter 2018 Schedule: